Laura Janelle's new Birthstone Bar necklaces showcase now features a full bar of birthstones, along with 3 unique characteristics of you! These silver-tone necklaces pair perfectly with any outfit. Simplicity and elegance makes this the perfect birthday gift. Wear it, flip it, gift it, love it! Chain length 16.5"
January - Determined, Artistic, Fearless
February - Compassionate, Creative, Motivated
March - Passionate, Sincere, Dreamer
April - Adventurous, Brave, Focused
May - Ambitious, Humble, Genuine
June - Innovative, Thoughtful, Honest
July - Charming, Optimistic, Unique
August - Independent, Caring, Powerful
September - Gracious, Reliable, Responsible
October - Charismatic, Carefree, Romantic
November - Loyal, Determined, Courageous
December - Confident, Intuitive, Optimistic